Physical Electronics

The Department trains the specialists within the specialization “Physical Electronics”. Head of the Department – Veklych Anatoliy Mykolayovych, professor, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The intensive research work was carried out at the Department within the scientific-research laboratory of physical electronics (head of the laboratory – senior staff scientist Telega V.M.) and the sector of theory and modeling of plasma processes (scientific supervisor – Prof. Anisimov IO, head of VAT – Yukhymenko V.V).

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Computer Engineering Department

The Department provides training for bachelors (specializations in system and network administrators), masters (specializations in system and network engineers) and doctors of philosophy in the specialty 123 “Computer Engineering”. Teachers of the department work with students throughout their studies at the faculty, starting from the first days and ending with the defense of dissertations. The department provides lectures, laboratory work and seminars on the courses “Hardware and Software”, “Computer Circuitry”, “Applied Theory of Digital Automata”, “Computer Architecture”,

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Department of Electrophysics

The main task of the Department of Electrophysics FREX in the educational process at the Faculty of Radiophysics is to provide lectures, laboratory work and seminars on general physics courses for students majoring in “Applied Physics”, “Computer Engineering”, “Radio Engineering” and training of masters in the specialty “Applied Optics and Magnetism”.

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Медичної радіофізики

Завідувач кафедри – кандидат фіз.-мат. наук, доцент Радченко Сергій Петрович. Основні напрямки роботи – інтраскопія, телемедицина, візуалізація та аналіз медичних зображень. Спеціалізація – «медична радіофізика»

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Radio Engineering and Electronic Systems

The department prepares bachelors and masters of the specialty 172 «Telecommunications and Radio Engineering» and provides teaching of radio-electronic profile courses for students of other specialties of our faculty and the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics.

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Математики та теоретичної радіофізики

MTRPh Department provides educational process for bachelors of FRECS faculty in all sections of mathematics and all sections of theoretical physics (Theoretical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics), as well as the general course “Nuclear Physics and Fundamentals of Astrophysics”. In addition, the Department provides bachelor’s degrees in various sections of the course “Programming” and provides the educational process in some special sections for masters of FRECS. Teachers of the department also teach various sections of higher mathematics and programming at the Faculty of Physics and the Institute of Geology

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Department of Quantum Radiophysics and Nanoelectronics

The department organizes the educational process for students of the faculty who are enrolled into the “Bachelor” and “Master” programs (“Applied Physics and Nanomaterials” specialty). The department lecturers teach physics courses, which cover surface physics and solid state physics, micro and nanoelectronics, basics of quantum radio physics, optics of anisotropic structures, computer experiment

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Сектор центру автомаризації наукового експерименту

Кріогенний комплекс

Departments that were closed or reorganized

Chair of  Semiconductor Physics (1952-1996)

Chair of Radioelectronics (1962-1996)

Chair of Nonlinear Optics (1962-1993)

Research Laboratory of Applied Information Recording Problems (1982-2006)

Спецфакультет з перепідготовки кадрів за новими перспективними напрямками науки і техніки (1979-1995)