MTRPh Department provides educational process for bachelors of FRECS faculty in all sections of mathematics and all sections of theoretical physics (Theoretical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics), as well as the general course “Nuclear Physics and Fundamentals of Astrophysics”. In addition, the Department provides bachelor’s degrees in various sections of the course “Programming” and provides the educational process in some special sections for masters of FRECS. Teachers of the department also teach various sections of higher mathematics and programming at the Faculty of Physics and the Institute of Geology.
Physical part of the Department:
- Features of formation of coherent correlation processes in quantum systems; Influence of coherent correlated states on geological processes and realization of nuclear fusion in physical and biological objects.
- Peculiarities of generation of undamped temperature waves and mechanisms of their remote influence on nuclear-physical processes and biological objects.
- Multicomponent diffusion during chemical reactions. Temporal-spatial-periodic diffusion effects. Nonlinear diffusion in mixtures with variable composition;
- Features of interaction of fast protons and electrons with crystals in the channel mode and concomitant radiation processes;
- Theory of nanomagnetism;
- Curvilinear micromagnetism;
- Dynamic and thermodynamic properties of ultrathin magnetic films;
- Models of state and function in complex biological systems. Methods of analysis of complex biological systems. Methods of introscopic determination of characteristics of biological systems.
Mathematical part of the Department:
- Estimation of functionals from stationary stochastic processes;
- Theory of approximation of functions;
- Use of probabilistic methods in fundamental and applied problems;
- Statistical estimation by observations from mixtures. Mixture models with constant and varying concentrations.
Research and training laboratories or sectors -“Laser Communication” Research Sector.
Innovative activity, participation in scientific and educational projects:
- ResearchWork № 22БФ052-01 “Diffusion and electrodynamic phenomena in multi-component inhomogeneous systems for medical and biological information technologies”;
- Research Work № 22БФ052-03 “Methods of formation and use of coherent and correlation processes in atomic-nuclear, astrophysical and biomolecular cellular systems”;
- Programme Erasmus+ “Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility” between Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) and Crete University (Greece). The project acts from 01.01.2021 until 31.12.2023
International scientific relations:
- Joint project (2021-2023) “Non-Local Chiral Interactions in Corrugated Magnetic Nanoshells”, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Germany), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden–Rossendorf (Germany), financed by DFG.
- Joint research on “Low Energy Nuclear Reactions” with the National Laboratory of Nuclear Research (INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati), Frascati, Italy.
- Joint research on the topic: “Curvilinear Magnetism” with the Institute of Ionic Radiation Physics and Materials Science, HZDR, Dresden, Germany; with the Institute of Solid State Physics, IFW Dresden, Germany; with the Polytechnic Institute of Karlsruhe, Germany; with the University of Kiel, Germany; with the National Laboratory of Los Alamos, LANL; with the Technical University of Valparaiso; Chile, with the University of Basel, Switzerland.
- Joint research on “Curvilinear liquid crystals” with the University of Salento, Italy and the University of Perugia, Italy.
- Joint research on “ Dynamic and thermodynamic properties of ultrathin magnetic films”. Collaboration with Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren, Germany.