The main task of the Department of Electrophysics FREX in the educational process at the Faculty of Radiophysics is to provide lectures, laboratory work and seminars on general physics courses for students majoring in “Applied Physics”, “Computer Engineering”, “Radio Engineering” and training of masters in the specialty “Applied Optics and Magnetism”.

The main topics of scientific work:

  • Noise studies of semiconductor structures, nanoscale semiconductor sensors of biochemical reactions.
  • Investigation of nanocomposites based on conductive polymers and carbon nanotubes for electromagnetic shielding at frequencies 1-67 GHz.
  • Investigation of low-temperature conductivity of nanocomposites based on conductive polymers and carbon nanotubes.
  • Theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of polarized electromagnetic radiation with objects of different nature.

At the Department of Electrophysics and the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine there is a research laboratory “Optical Quantum Electronics”. Students of 1-3 courses during 6 semesters consolidate their knowledge by performing five fundamental training workshops of the department:

  • Measuring and mechanical workshop
  • Oscillations and waves and molecular workshop
  • Electric Workshop
  • Optical Workshop
  • Atomic Workshop

Employees of the department take part in the project of the Fund for Basic Research “Electrodynamics of structured nanocomposites, molecular and anisotropic media for the latest information and biophysical technologies” (supervisor Prof. Grigoruk Valery Ivanovich).

The department maintains fruitful cooperation with the Research Centers:

  • “Julich”, Germany for the development of highly sensitive semiconductor nanoscale biosensors for medical and biological applications.
  • Applied Optics and Polarimetry Group LPICM, Ecole polytechnique, Paris, France.

Graduates of the Department of Electrophysics work abroad in research universities and centers in Germany, Holland, Great Britain, etc. The rest of the graduates remain at the department and receive positions of teachers and researchers. Some students work on the technical tasks of competitive extra-budgetary research work on a paid basis.