ХV International conference on applied biophysics, bionics and biocybernetics
April, 11-12, 2024 in Kyiv
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,,
Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine,
International Scientific and Educational Center of Information Technologies and Systems,
Ukrainian Biophysical Society
Prof. GORGO Yu.P.– professor National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Dr. NETREBA A.V. – dean Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Prof. TOVSTOLYTKIN O.I. – director Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES
of Ukraine, (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Dr MAMILOV S.O. – Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine, (Kyiv,
Scientific secretary:
Dr T.M. HONTAR – International Scientific and Educational Center of Information
Technologies and Systems
Prof. L. AVRAMOV, Institute of Electronics (Sofia, Bulgaria).
Dr. V.P. BEREST, Karazin Kharkov National University (Kharkov, Ukraine).
Prof. V. VALENZI, University of Roma, (Roma, Italy).
Assoc. Prof. A. GISBRECHT, Institute of Electronics (Sofia, Bulgaria).
Prof. V.M. BELOV, International Scientific and Educational Center of Information
Technologies and Systems (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Dr. I.I. BEKH, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Dr. B. PETKO, Institute of Parasitology (Kosice, Slovakia).
Dr. P. NIEDLIC, Earth Science Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia).
Conference Topics:
- Molecular, cellular, and systemic biophysics, medical physics, and bioengineering.
- Biophysical aspects of the influence of environmental factors.
- Neurobionics, neural networks, and neurocomputers.
- Mathematical and structural information modeling of biological and mental processes.
- Modeling and control of motor and visceral functions of biological objects.
- Human bionics and robotics.
- Biological and medical cybernetics.
The conference will be held online using the zoom platform.
zoom link
Conference program
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
One-page abstracts in A4 TNR 12 pt format with 1.5-line spacing in Word 2003, 2008,
XP format.
Margins: 20 mm.
Include the initials and surnames of the authors (underline the last name of the speaker)
in the first line.
Provide the report title in lowercase letters in the line below.
Specify the country, city, organization, and contact email address in the next line.
The main text is separated by a space.
Working Languages: Ukrainian and English.
Please indicate the type of report – oral or poster. Regulations: oral report 7 minutes + 3
minutes per question. Poster will be published on the website.
Submission Deadline: April 7, 2024.
Registration Fee:
Ukrainian scientists: 300 hryvnias.
Students and post-graduate students: 100 hryvnias.
Foreign participants: 30 EUR.
Bank transfer details:
Name of the Bank: PrivatBank
card number 4149 4990 8531 4803,
Mamilov Serge (to recharge the account).
Organizational Committee:
Dr. Serhii Mamilov
Tel.: +38 (066) 299-13-71
Email: mamіlovserge@gmaіl.com
Note: Please use the subject “BPBF-2024” when submitting abstracts and applications
for participation.